Celebrating Beginnings and Endings

Photo by Lukas Hartmann: https://www.pexels.com/photo/running-field-photography-1127120/

I record these musings to remind myself just how delicious life is - sometimes we forget - sometimes I forget- so these entries are a way to remind myself that this adventure (life) should be celebrated - wins, losses, heartbreak, joy - and everything in between.

This week started with a loss and ended with a loss. But both losses should be celebrated. As should everything in between. So here goes—the cliff notes.

  1. My mother’s aunt passed away earlier this week in Hercegovina. She was 96. Full life. And I am certain, at times, a difficult life. But she did spent 96 years on this planet, raising a family and living by values that included love and faith. And that’s to be celebrated.

    I saw her a few weeks ago. I held her hands and will never forget how soft her hands felt. I remember thinking, how could her hands feel so soft? I don’t think I’ve ever held the hands of a 96-year-old. Maybe everyone’s hands become soft after a certain age (yes, I recognize how weird that sounds).

    And that’s how I will choose to remember her and celebrate her. A woman with a long life committed to her family, love, and faith. And those soft hands.

  2. After a three-month interview process, today, I found out that I did not get a job.

    I walk away from the process much more aware of what I envision for myself regarding the work I want to do.

    My most significant ah-ha moment came during the final interview when I was asked about my dream job.

    I shared something utterly unrelated to my current work/projects. It concerns one of the activities that has brought me joy over the last year: tennis.

    Long story short, I told the person interviewing me that, whatever I choose to do in life, I will check in with myself and ask myself this question: Are you experiencing this moment with as much joy as you experience when you are on the tennis court?

    While I did not get the job, I realized that I want to be in a space that brings me as much joy as the joy I experience on the tennis court.

    Moving forward, I will check in and ask myself that question as often as possible. In both my personal and professional endeavors.

  3. My brother and my uncle celebrated birthdays this week.

    I got to celebrate with my uncle here in Makarska.

    I hope my brother was able to celebrate with loved ones.

    Birthdays aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. But I believe they should be celebrated.

    How beautiful is it that we get to celebrate our beginning once a year?! A day dedicated to the beginning of our adventure!

It’s been one heck of a week. I am glad I was able to celebrate a few beginnings and endings and everything in between.

Cheers to many more.


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